
Culture creator • Award-winning author • Editor

She also writes extensively about the intersections of race, gender, and size, for a number of print and digital publications, including HBO, The Cut, The Undefeated, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Time, The New York Times, Zora, The Guardian, Teen Vogue, Refinery29, Bustle, Romper, SELF, The Toast, Harper’s Bazaar, Mic, The Toast, and Ravishly. She’s also written book chapters in The Problematic Tyler Perry (Peter Lang, 2016); The Beyoncé Effect: Essays on Sexuality, Race, and Feminism (McFarland, 2016); Can We All Be Feminists?: New Writing From Brit Bennett, Nicole Dennis-Benn, and 15 Others On Intersectionality, Identity, and the Way Forward for Feminism (Penguin, 2018); The (Other) F-Word: Celebrating the Fat and the Fierce (Abrams Books, 2019); Burn It Down: Women Writing About Anger (Seal Press, 2019); and Sex and the Single Woman: 24 Writers Reimagine Helen Gurley Brown’s Cult Classic (Harper Perennial, 2022).

Dionne’s expertise on popular culture, politics, and feminism is highly sought after. Her work has been covered in Mic, CNET, BuzzFeed, the New York Times, Teen Vogue, The Root, and the New Yorker. She has also appeared on Zerlina, Black News Tonight, She’s All Fat, Popaganda, Every Body, Woman of Size, Mindful Strength, Food Psych, and Bri’s Books podcasts as well as the BBC’s World Have Your Say, NPR’s 1A, and SiriusXM’s WokeAF. She’s delivered keynote speeches and lectures at the Schomburg Center for Black Research and Culture, the DC Public Library, Brown University, the University of Chicago, the University of Southern California, the University of Texas at Austin, and Stanford University.

Evette received her bachelor’s degree in journalism from Bennett College, an incredible HBCU for Black women, in 2012. In 2014, she received a Master of Science in media management and women, gender, and sexuality studies from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Evette is based in Denver. 

She’s represented by Sarah Phair at Sanford J. Greenburger Associates and Drew Sullivan at APB Speakers. If you want to connect with Evette about writing opportunities, please email Sarah. If you want to connect with Evette about speaking opportunities, please email Drew. If you want to get in touch about anything else, please send an email to EvetteDionneWriter@gmail.com or use the contact form.